Privacy policy according to the requirements of the DSGVO
Since the protection of personal data is very important to GIZ, we inform you here which of your personal data is stored and what it is used for.
- The responsible party for data processing is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Registered office of the company:
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36, 53113 Bonn, Germany.
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1 - 5, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
- The personal data provided in the registration, i.e. title, name, email address, organisation, which are required for the purpose of further contact and sharing of information on the German Youth Delegate Programme, will be stored on servers of GIZ and used exclusively for these stated purposes.
- The legal basis for the processing is your consent to this declaration.
- The data will be used exclusively for the purposes described in declaration; any other use will always be subject to renewed consent. Your data will not be used for advertising purposes.
- GIZ secures the data by appropriate technical and organizational measures against accidental or intentional falsification, destruction, loss or access by unauthorized persons. Access to the personal data is restricted to those GIZ staff within the project supporting the BMG in the German Global Health Policy who need to process this data according to the above purpose(s) and handle it properly and confidentially.
- The company Invitario GmbH (processor) provides the participant management tool and the registration page for the above mentioned event. For this purpose, Invitario processes the above-mentioned personal data for participant management (creation of participant lists, sending of mailings). Invitario secures the data by appropriate technical and organizational measures against accidental or intentional falsification, destruction, loss or access by unauthorized persons. Access to personal data is restricted to those Invitario GmbH employees who need to process this data in accordance with the above purpose(s) and handle it properly and confidentially.
- For information purposes, the following personal data (name, institution) may be forwarded to the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG). The BMG secures the data by appropriate technical and organizational measures against accidental or intentional falsification, destruction, loss or access by unauthorized persons. Access to the personal data is restricted to those BMG employees who need to process the data in accordance with the above purpose(s) and who handle it properly and confidentially.
- The data will not be disclosed to third parties.
Data subject rights
- You have the right to ask for your personal data, to have it corrected if necessary, or to request the restriction of processing or the deletion of the data. The data will then be deleted. Also, the granted permission to use the personal data can be revoked at any time. The lawfulness of the processing up to the time of the revocation is not affected by this.
Please issue the revocation by email or fax to:
- If you have any questions about this statement or the processing, you can contact.
"" (email)
- For complaints regarding this statement or processing, you may contact the GIZ Data Protection Officer(s) at the following email:
- You have the right to address complaints to the data protection supervisory authority. The competent authority is the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI).
Gespeicherte Daten
• Wir speichern und verarbeiten im gesetzlichen Rahmen folgende personenbezogene Daten, wenn Sie unsere Websites besuchen:
• Serverlogs: Die IP-Adresse des anfragenden Computers, gemeinsam mit dem Datum, der Uhrzeit, der Anfrage, welche Datei angefragt wird (Name und URL), welche Datenmenge an Sie übertragen wird, eine Meldung, ob die Anfrage erfolgreich war, Erkennungsdaten des verwendeten Browsers und des verwendeten Betriebssystems, sowie die Website, von der der Zugriff erfolgte (sollte der Zugriff über einen Link erfolgen). Die Serverlogs werden gespeichert, um die Systemsicherheit prüfen zu können, die Websites technisch administrieren, sowie das Angebot optimieren zu können. Diese Daten werden – sollte es einen Hackangriff gegeben haben – an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden weitergeben. Eine darüberhinausgehende Weitergabe an Dritte erfolgt nicht.
• Auswertung von E-Mails: Über unseren ESP (e-Mail Service Provider) erfassen und analysieren wir automatisiert die Öffnung von E-Mails sowie das Anklicken von darin enthaltenen Links.